Pharmacy Internship Program

Summer Interns Class of 2023
Summer Interns Class of 2023

约翰霍普金斯大学药学实习项目旨在为药学专业的学生提供结构化的学习经验,以提供全面的卫生系统药学实践. 大约有20名学生在我们的一个地点——约翰霍普金斯医院——实习, East Baltimore campus, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, and Johns Hopkins Care at Home. 根据实习地点的不同,实习学生可能需要一辆交通工具. 

The objectives of the Pharmacy Internship Program are to:

  • 向实习生提供当前医疗保健环境的概述.
  • 让学生实习生了解医院和卫生系统独有的当前护理标准和政策驱动的药房实践.
  • 为实习生提供专业和个人成长的机会, through interaction with health care professionals, 演示和项目流程以及口头和书面技能的提升.
  • 为实习生提供机会,使其成为所分配领域工作人员不可或缺的一部分.

每个学生实习的开始日期和结束日期根据各自药学院的学术日历而有所不同. However, the latest start date is the first week of June. 学生实习生通常每周工作40小时,必须至少连续工作9周.  The preceptor determines the scheduled hours and days worked. 

实习计划旨在提供经验,以补充正式的教学培训. 该计划支持和指导学生实习生,同时允许他们按照自己的节奏进步, based upon their experiences and interests.  Unlike academic programs, 虽然安排了与导师的会议,讨论他们的进展,以确保学生实习生和药学系的价值,但不给分数. The intern’s enthusiasm and interest in the program will, in part, determine the value of their experience.

Contact Information

Sarah Largent
Talent Acquisition Specialist
Email: [email protected]


"Throughout the internship program, 许多额外的机会,以丰富我们的学习和促进网络, including topic discussions, workshops, book clubs, an interprofessional event, 并对美国卫生系统药剂师协会总部进行实地考察. 这些事件有助于向我们灌输这一职业的价值观,并使我们深入了解影响卫生系统内药学实践的问题. We all left having gained invaluable experience, professional connections, and friendships we will cherish for a lifetime. As we departed, 我们感到一种深刻的感激之情,它将对我们未来药剂师的旅程产生持久的影响."

Siân Behrendt-McLeroy, PharmD Candidate 2025
University of Texas at Austin

Throughout the internship program, 许多额外的机会,以丰富我们的学习和促进网络, including topic discussions, workshops, book clubs, an interprofessional event, 并对美国卫生系统药剂师协会总部进行实地考察. 这些事件有助于向我们灌输这一职业的价值观.

"The internship turned out to be more than what I had imagined. 在短短9周的时间里,我能够挑战自己,接受并完成新的项目, 参加主题讨论,并沉浸在与药剂师谁是如此热情,他们对药学领域的贡献对话. In addition, 我能够让自己接触到药学的不同领域,我甚至没有意识到它的存在. Be the best, be a role model, be open, 当我完成学业并开始我的药学职业生涯时,我将秉承约翰霍普金斯大学的这些核心价值观. 约翰霍普金斯大学的使命是为医学教育树立卓越的标准, 研究和临床护理是令人鼓舞和大开眼界的机会,是在那里为新一代的药剂师, like me. I will forever treasure this amazing experience."

Emily Ganeshan, PharmD Candidate 2025
D’Youville University

“我的每一天都以一个温暖的早晨开始,以一种成就感结束. Every time I walked into the hospital, I was eager and full of optimism for what the day had in store. 它总是一些新鲜和令人兴奋的事情,比如最后一刻的会议或在幕后做出那些没有人真正看到的艰难决定. I was never made to feel small, 即使周围都是伟大的人,这让我确信我在正确的地方,我可以看到自己未来在这里工作. The innovation, culture, and passion are evident no matter where you are in the hospital, and it is quite infectious. 每个人都很热情,并准备在我最需要的时候伸出援助之手. As I look forward to the future, 我有很高的期望,因为在约翰霍普金斯医院,天空是极限,感觉好像只要你用心,一切皆有可能."

Kavitha Sukumar, PharmD Candidate 2025
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy

I was never made to feel small, 即使周围都是伟大的人,这让我确信我在正确的地方,我可以看到自己未来在这里工作.

有人曾经告诉我:“让你不舒服的东西,就是你最大的成长机会。.“每天我都有新的挑战要克服,新的项目要完成. Despite feeling nervous at first, 我在夏天开始时对自己承诺,要把这些挑战当作成长的机会. 有了这种心态,我就能充分利用这个夏天出现在我面前的每个机会, growing my leadership skills, clinical knowledge, and passion for the field of pharmacy. The culture of Johns Hopkins is one which encourages learning, embraces learning from failure, and keeps patient care at the forefront of everything they do, 与我在药房生涯中一直秉持的价值观一致. 每天走进办公室,这种文化让我以不同的方式看待我的项目工作. 而不是总是被结果所驱使,努力完成, I was able to focus on the process and strengthen my project skills. Throughout this summer, I have grown more than I thought possible, from my project skills to leadership skills and opportunities. 从常驻小组讨论和主题讨论到实习结束时展示我的项目, 每一次机会都挑战了我的思维方式,让我从新的角度看待事物. 由于我在约翰霍普金斯大学的经历,我比以往任何时候都对从事药学工作感到兴奋."

Logan Gaskill, PharmD Candidate 2025
University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy

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